Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Ebola fight will cost $1 billion

Nearly $1 billion dollars is needed to fight the Ebola outbreak raging in west Africa, the United Nations said Tuesday, warning that 20,000 could be infected by year end. UN humanitarian chief Valerie Amos said there was a "huge funding challenge". "If not dealt with effectively now, Ebola could become a major humanitarian crisis in countries currently affected," she told reporters in Geneva.

Man kills girlfriend to eat her lungs, heart and brain

A convicted killer who was released on bail, broke into his girlfriend's home to murder and eat her heart, lungs and brain, DailyMail reported. The 33-year-old man forced his way into his partner's

School resumption: GEJ pleads with NUT, says Govt isn't foolish

Speaking with journalists on September 16th in Abuja, President Jonathan appealed to members of the Nigerian Union of Teachers, NUT to return to the classrooms on Sept. 22 as there is no known