Thursday, 15 May 2014

Many Nigerian actors live on past glory—Ramsey Nouah

Nollywood star, Ramsey Noah, exposes some of the realities confronting many Nigerian actors, writes Jayne Augoye
After a phenomenal rise to global fame, Nollywood celebrated its 20th anniversary recently. At other times, the occasion would have been marked with much partying, probably round the year. But things are far from being rosy for the industry at present.
Many challenges, including piracy, absence of structured distribution networks and a string of scandals trailing some of its star players, are threatening to rob the industry of its glory. While these issues are not new, they have taken a toll on the fortunes of some actors and actresses
Over the last few years, the effect of the dip in Nollywood’s fortunes on some practitioners, especially the pioneers, has become a subject of debate and concern for stakeholders.
Before now, a good number of the screen stars found consolation in endorsements by corporate organisations, especially telecomunication companies like Globacom and MTN. But the business world is fast shifting its love to musicians.
Although some of their fans have come to realise that Nollywood movies ‘no longer sell’, a number of these stars, who themselves are obviously experiencing hard times, cover up by constantly hyping themselves.
But Nollywood star, Ramsey Noah, has burst their bubble.
Noah, whose acting career kicked off when he starred in the Nigerian TV soap opera Fortunes in the 1990s, is saying it as it is for the first time.
The actor was one of the panelists at the recently held Nigerian Entertainment Conference. He did not mince words when painting the true picture of the situation in Nollywood.
He says, “Many Nigerian actors live on their past glory. The truth is that many of us (actors) don’t make money from film-making or movies any longer. There is the show part, but there is actually no business side to Nollywood any longer.
“Many of these actors depend on and make their money from acquaintances. So, they simply depend on those who appreciate their works and then introduce them to other sources of income aside acting.”
The actor whose Globacom endorsement deal was terminated in 2013, alongside that of Rita Dominic, Uche Jombo, Mike Ezuruonye, Monalisa Chinda, Nonso Diobi and Odunlade Adekola, adds, “Some people who appreciate you for who you are and for your talent will then try to establish business links that can sustain you and your family.”
Judging by the number of factions that currently exist in Nollywood and the current leadership tussle within the Actors Guild of Nigeria, it is not difficult to tell that the actors are somewhat divided amongst each other.
Noah appears to confirm this when he notes, “The truth about creative people is that they lack unity. It is very hard to find unity among them.  It has nothing to do with Nollywood, in particular.
“In Nollywood all you have is the show part but not the business. We lack structure. There is no balance. It is almost as if we sold our birthrights to the wrong people. Nollywood is capital — intensive and we are aware that improvements are needed, but we lack the structure to make this happen.”
Even as The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has approved a 12-man committee of Nollywood stakeholders (this will pave the way for Nigerian entries to be considered for the Oscars in 2015), Nouah is optimistic that the future is not entirely bleak for Nollywood.
He says, “Hopefully this digital era will bring about positive changes in the outlook and technology of some of our movies. I would love the situation where creative minds put the right structures in place for the industry and then things will get better.
“I suggest that the Federal Government should impose heavy taxes on DVDs/VCDs producers so as to curb piracy. There is a need for the right structure, in addition to marketing and promotions, to propel Nollywood.”

Culled from

CBN orders banks to destroy cards trapped in ATMs

The Central Bank of Nigeria has directed Deposit Money Banks to henceforth destroy Automated Teller Machine cards trapped in their ATM terminals.

The CBN also gave banks 24 hours to reverse debit entries arising from failed transaction attributable to system-related issues.

The directives were contained in a 14-page ‘Guidelines for card issuance and usage in Nigeria’ released by the Banking and Payment System Department of the CBN on Tuesday.
The CBN guidelines read, “Any trapped card in the ATM shall be rendered unusable (by perforation) by the acquirer and returned to the issuer on the next working day.
“All debit entries arising from failed transactions attributable to system-related issues must be auto-reversed. Where auto reversal is not feasible, manual reversal must be carried out within 24 hours.”
“The security of the payment card shall be the responsibility of the issuer and the losses incurred on account of breach of security or failure of the security mechanism shall be borne by the issuer, except the issuer establishes security breach on the part of the card holder.”
Consequently, banks are to ensure ATM cards are issued from card schemes that have demonstrable fraud management systems.

Furthermore, the central bank said the new guidelines were introduced to enable financial institutions and card processors to upgrade their card operations to ensure optimum security and customer friendliness, among others.
In the application of customer fees for services rendered, banks were to be guided in their operations by the CBN’s ‘Guide to bank charges’.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Pistorius sent for psychiatric tests over claims he is 'hyper vigilant'. Does this mean he could escape murder charge? Just thinking aloud.

The judge at the Oscar Pistorius trial has ruled that the double-amputee will be sent for psychiatric evaluation after an expert said that he suffered from an anxiety disorder that gave him 'hyper-vigilance'.

Psychiatrist Dr Merryll Vorster, for the defence, said that Pistorius' condition is linked to his disability and meant that he was prone to fight, rather than take flight, in the presence of perceived danger.
If Pistorius' condition is found to have played a role in the fatal shooting of Reeva Steenkamp in his home on February 14, 2013, then he may escape a murder charge. Continue...

It means that the trial - already on its 32nd day - will be delayed.
Judge Thokozile Masipa said the court would hand down the details of the assessment on Tuesday, adding it would be preferable for him to undergo the evaluation as an outpatient.
The decision on Wednesday by Masipa followed a request for a psychiatric evaluation by the chief prosecutor, Gerrie Nel. 
Nel questioned why the defense decided to ask Dr Vorster to testify on behalf of the Olympic runner.
He has suggested that the trial is not going well for Pistorius and that his lawyers are floating the idea that a disorder contributed to Steenkamp's shooting and that therefore Pistorius bears less responsibility for her death.
Culled from UK Daily Mail
Hmmm! I heave a sigh and walk away with my fingers crossed.

Quite Funny! See Top 16 (at least, the ones I can vividly remember) Patience Jonathan’s English Blunders

1. My husband and Sambo is a good people

2. The President was once a child and the
senators were once a children.

3. My fellow widows.(Is her husband dead?)

4. A good mother takes care of hischildren.(His
children? Like Seriously?)

5. The people sitting before youwere once a
children. (Smh)

6. Yes we are all happy for the effort, it is not easy
to carry second in an international competition like
this one,(addressing press men after Female
Under-19 FIFAWorld Cup).

7. The bombers who born them? Wasn't it not a
woman? Theywere once a children now a adult
now they are bombing women and children
making some children a widow.(Is she a literate?)

8. My heart feels sorry for these children who
have become widows for loosing their parents for
one reason or another. (Lmfao….)

9. We should have love for our fellowNigerians
irrespective of their NATIONALITY(Lwkmd)

10. Thank God the Doctors and Nurses are
responding to treatment. (Doctors and nurses?)

11. I would rather kill myself instead of committing
suicide. (What's the difference?)

12. Ojukwu is a great man, he died but his
manhood lives on. (Manhood?)

13. On behalf of 2million, I donate my family.
(Laugh wan tear my belle o)

14. Why will bokharam bomb last churches on
christmas day, theydon't have respect for Jesus,
they are a very bad person,infact I'm a sadder
woman right now and Mr.President ismore
saddest(Sad,sad der,saddest…

15. We all have HIV.( For real? Imagine this
woman o, Chei!!!

And the most recent one
16. All the bloods we are sharing will answer o. Chai! Chai! There is God oooo! (Eheheheh. Well, I guess the pains of the Boko Haram Insurgence brought out the typical Ibo woman in our first lady for the world to see) 

Honestly, I don't know if this is true but grapevine has it that yesterday, another mysterious occurence happened.

Female Passenger Disappeared In Lagos Commercial Bus Female Passenger Disappeared In Commercial Bus At Ikotun, Lagos Yesterday
Female Passenger Disappeared In Lagos Commercial Bus
Woman Disappears In A Lagos Bus After Collecting Money From An Old Man. Wonders are not going to end, not today or tomorrow because we wake with some chilling happenings around the world, just in Ikotun area of Lagos, Nigeria yesterday evening, a woman who had volunteered to be a commercial bus conductor, to collect transport fares from the passengers, because no one was doing that had disappeared.
She had collected N50 from one old man who was at the back of the bus and immediately she did this, she began to shake violently and there was confusion in the bus. The driver had to stop the bus and there was so much shouting around.
The passengers started talking to the old man to undo what he must have done to the lady. The old man accepted to reverse whatever he must have done to the lady and pleaded that he had to touch the ladies breasts which was agreed.
It was then; he began to run his hands on her b****t to bring her back to normal and in the process, the woman and the old man disappeared.
The journey ended there because everyone abandoned the bus and fled.It is reportedly said that it was a kidnapping incident.

Between CAN and Boko Haram

can NL1 Missing Girls: Boko Harams Are Muslims, They Just Proved It Again  CAN
 CAN in a statement made by the National Director of Research, Elder Sunday Oibe, who says he has the consent of the national president, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor who is not in the country to speak about the convention of the chibok missing school girls to Muslims.
Elder Sunday who one could tell was bitter through his words said no one can convince CAN that Shekau and his sect are not Muslims.
Find the statement below:
First, these children are Christians and not Muslims and so they cannot be converted to a religion that is not theirs at gunpoint without conviction.
Is that how conversion is being carried out? All the children displayed are Christians and that is the motive behind the abduction.
It is simple. Because they are Christians and they represent the Church in the eyes of their abductors.
Secondly, it smacks of some form of religious persecution. If not, why are their captors converting them to another religion? And if they say they will use them as a condition to negotiate their men in detention, our daughters are not criminals and cannot be used in any way to free their criminal fighters.
Show us where in Nigeria you have seen Christians fighting and throwing bombs in the name of God; we challenge any one to show us where Christians have abducted Muslim children in the name of Christianity.
We challenge anyone to prove to us in Nigeria where Christians have taken arms in the name of protecting Christianity or even carry out acts of genocide on helpless and defenceless Nigerians. As far as we are concerned, it is a war against Christians and Christianity.
We are not speaking for the Nigerian state. The state will speak for itself, but we cannot be forced by some people to define for us our predicament and persecution. It is a war against Christians and the Church. We are feeling it and deeply affected. No amount of propaganda can deter us from saying the truth.
We have said ours. It is now left for the government to expedite action and return our children to us. They are Christians, they are not slaves, they are not Muslims and it is unacceptable to us. Let the whole world see it now

Boko Haram Update- Borno state

According to  Dr. Peregrino Brimah of

More details are coming in on how the Civilian-JTF, civilian vigilantes staved off a Boko Haram attack and possible abduction in Kalabalge local government, northeast Borno state, near the Cameroonian border.

The villagers who were prepared for the Boko Haram attack had dug out trenches for the purpose. The Rann village, located in the middle of a Boko Haram strong-hold, had been attacked by Boko Haram in the recent past. In that attack they had allegedly acquired two light-weight armored tanks and some AK47 rifles. They refused to turn in this ammunition to the government in an increasingly common response as more villages in the north are determined to take up arms to defend themselves in the current state of deadly insecurity. Continue...
The invading terrorists who launched an early Tuesday morning attack on Rann, Shuwa and neighboring villages, were met by a strong and determined villager resistance. Over 200 terrorists were killed. The full number of the dead is not yet known as the villagers ran in pursuit of the escaping and injured terrorists into the bushes to continue their extermination.

More than 35 Boko Haram terrorists were captured. One APC and more than four hilux trucks and several motorcycles were captured from the terrorists.

At the time of this report, about 20 villagers were said to have lost their lives in the fierce, brave battle.

Nigerians in the worst affected regions are seeking the formal right to bear arms and defend themselves. The Borno Civilian-JTF sent this request to Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Ebele Jonathan in a meeting with security agents this month. The ENDS civil activist group also sent a formal request for Executive Authorization of the people to bear arms, supported by the government to defend their territory and hunt and eliminate Boko Haram terrorists. The government is yet to officially respond to the open letter delivered to the State secretary on April 25th, 2014.

In related news, there was Mutiny in the military today as soldiers reportedly attacked a General officer commanding (GOC) of the Nigerian army 7th division, Major General Abubakar Mohammed, who was accused of sabotaging the military mission and not reporting to a particular mission he was requested to. He was said to have fled as he was fired upon when he came to his office at the Maimalari barracks. The soldiers went in pursuit of the commander, whose whereabouts are not known as at the time of this report.

Opening Speech

Yesterday is history. tomorrow is a mystery. But today? Today is our day to shine! we shall make the best of today. After all, today is a Gift. That is why they call it- PRESENT. All we have to do is BELIEVE in who we truely are.