Saturday, 7 June 2014

Surprising: Dencia takes sides with Lupita Nyong'O against rude fan

The Cameroonian singer and beauty products entrepreneur, Dencia who once called Oscar award winner actress, Lupita Nyong’o a ‘white man slave’ has jumped to defence of the 12 years a slave star. The brain behind the bleaching cream, Whitenicious,  replied a fan(@Mayoviral) on Twitter, after he posted "If u actually prefer Lupita to Dencia... u are sooooo gay!" Dencia started a feud with Lupita Nyong'O, after the actress, spoke against dark skinned women using bleaching creams like Whitenicous. If u actually prefer Lupita to Dencia...u are sooooo gay!
Here is Dancia’s response
@Mayoviral That's not nice.Remember diff strokes 4 diff
I hope they finally becomes friends. Eheheheh

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