Thursday, 29 January 2015

The only Female Presidential candidate, Remi Shonaiya is not pleased you’re all focused on only APC and PDP

The only female presidential candidate contesting at the upcoming February general elections, Remi Shonaiya is not happy about the media preference given to just two of the political parties – All Progressive Congress and Peoples Democratic Party.

While speaking at the Rubbin’ Minds show with host, Ebuka Obi-Uchendu on Sunday, the KOWA party member admitted said:
“It is a pity many people are trying to convince Nigerians that there are only two presidential candidates. Yes, I accept that there are two major candidates, but there are 14 options.”
She further blamed the two major parties for the not so pleasant state of the Nation today “These 2 parties have contributed in bringing Nigeria to this present state”
Selling herself, she said “Nigerians are waiting for a leader that can be trusted. I know the power of leading by example, people who know me can vouch for me”
On dealing with electricity problem in Nigeria, she said “We have to accommodate the importers of generators into the power generation process. We should find out why electricity is functioning in Ghana and Benin republic and not in Nigeria.
Remi who retired from OAU in 2010 and has been in politics since then, also talked about the issue of insecurity.
“Keeping Nigeria peaceful is everybody’s business. The issue of our security can never be a partisan issue. We need to find out what Cameroon is doing that we aren’t. Mr President should caution people who make inflammatory statements. We must take care of our soldiers welfare.
When asked if she would accept any political appointment when any of the two major party candidates got into power, she said GEJ and GMB haven’t approached me and I haven’t approached them either. My accepting a future appointment depends on who wins the election and in what context. Given the present circumstance, I will not accept a political appointment if I lose.”
On why she is not campaigning vigorously like the others, she said “I have a little more respect for people’s money so I won’t spend anyhow on my campaign.”

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