Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Honestly, I don't know if this is true but grapevine has it that yesterday, another mysterious occurence happened.

Female Passenger Disappeared In Lagos Commercial Bus Female Passenger Disappeared In Commercial Bus At Ikotun, Lagos Yesterday
Female Passenger Disappeared In Lagos Commercial Bus
Woman Disappears In A Lagos Bus After Collecting Money From An Old Man. Wonders are not going to end, not today or tomorrow because we wake with some chilling happenings around the world, just in Ikotun area of Lagos, Nigeria yesterday evening, a woman who had volunteered to be a commercial bus conductor, to collect transport fares from the passengers, because no one was doing that had disappeared.
She had collected N50 from one old man who was at the back of the bus and immediately she did this, she began to shake violently and there was confusion in the bus. The driver had to stop the bus and there was so much shouting around.
The passengers started talking to the old man to undo what he must have done to the lady. The old man accepted to reverse whatever he must have done to the lady and pleaded that he had to touch the ladies breasts which was agreed.
It was then; he began to run his hands on her b****t to bring her back to normal and in the process, the woman and the old man disappeared.
The journey ended there because everyone abandoned the bus and fled.It is reportedly said that it was a kidnapping incident.

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